lundi 17 février 2014


I am the guy with the yellow helmet. The guy next to me you cannot see
Man there is such a lag between my actual life and the videos I post on the Internet. (also I failed thrice yesterday on one video “lost” 4 hours of uploading) but the next one is in the streets of New York 30 minutes after disembarking from the Norwegian getaway.

Hey let’s speak about weather (I like how it is kind of a running joke when you do not know what to small talk about).

Cusco Weather

            So Cusco is very changing. Recently we’ve had morning cold, lingering clouds opening to a scorching blue sky ( not necessarily hot but sunlight strong) and then after el Almuerzo, thunder storms! (love it! Best sound in nature after women). But today we got hail! I swear it felt like 25°C and then Ice from the skies!

Yup! indeed

            Yesterday I had a great day. It’s fun writing about a day which mostly consisted in writing! Hehe. But after having spent 3-4 hours in a plaza and in the coffee place I simply when out and started wondering about. For the first time I put true thought in the idea of following a star, and well I did not go far (compared to eternally walking around the earth), but I did follow the star and found myself a beautiful view of Cusco at night. A video in French will be uploaded at some point.

Watch your step whilst going to the balcony
            Solitude has been a little point of contention with myself nowadays, but I’ve found the solution. Ah Ha! I decided to enjoy it! Hehe. Or simply put; to amuse myself to believe I am as alone as walking at night in a cold forest as in the middle of the city.

            Whilst on the matter of alone and interaction. Some of “us” (students and friends of Cusco) operate with “dumbphones” (call and messages, which I prefer) and other are texting through facebook via their “smartphone”. I have a computer so when I desire to meet with someone via that link I have to schedule in advance. Now here comes a paradoxical feeling: as much as I love setting a meeting and being there without a billion of confirmations as if the life of a dependent psychotic was in the balance, it seem it is hard to set up a meet on facebook. So much more complicated than even sms (haven’t put much thought into it but still feels that way) Somehow it becomes a bastard between short information to set a meeting and an attemporal chat. I understand, thanks to numerous “fun” screencaptures of message threads (the viewing of which I believe is the biggest reason for “what! I spent 3 hours on the internet without doing anything”). Thanks to those screen captures, and from what I hear, smartphones have turned sms into dialogue chat, I just want to meet them freaking people! I must precise I still enjoy communicating rather than not. Also one of the person who do interact via facebook tried calling me from a payphone, an action for which I have high respect, but I dropped the ball because I missed the call. Hehe

Me and odd sculpture!
All of that simply to express that I wish I could simply call up some of those “facebook phones”.

About those open threads I kind of am nostalgic. Nostagia, by the way, comes really fast nowadays, I get the feeling it was at least decades for the last generation when you had a nostalgic feeling now I am nostalgic of two year ago thanks to the rush to technology. (Were are simply tripping very slowly but the ground is getting closer people, might want to extend the arm and prepare for that roll!). So yeah I preferred when you would send an sms and had an answer and then 3 day later well it was another discussion, not freaking frozen in time. I think of all those misunderstandings that are perpetually recalled because linked in a same “conversation”. just let it go, technology!

Llama in the sky (Mas o Menos)

Anyways, Facebook I found out is very nice by one aspect. I like to believe it somehow taught some of us to "like". At the beginning I would "like" very few things, being very picky about my “stamp” valuing it very much. Now I still value it much but I value more "liking" in itself. In French it is even stronger for there is only one word for both like and love. Maybe we use the term more liberally since and we love more? Enjoy in English becomes either very sexual “jouir” Which in a nutshell is a verb for orgasm! how cool is that! In another sense jouir also means to “enjoy the opportunity of”. So there really only is one word for like and love. Either you do or you don’t. No in betweens. I kind of like it, of course there is always a way around for the perverted (The word comes from the latin verb perverto which can be understood as overthrowing, returning, to divert. Or as I was taugh by a grand teachert; to take a detour.)

Me at Tìpon

            Very Recently In Peruvian history, the U.N. voted for a redefining of the national waters boundaries between Perù and Chile, and Perù “won” 19 000 square miles of maritime territory. Of course that means lots of riches, but I am particularly interested in the fact that borders can and do change nowadays, in a world where everything seems so constricted, blocked, tense, overexploited (geopolitically I mean) it is very interesting to see how some changes can apply in parts of the world. As much as borders have moved like flies on a cow’s ass in the past 100 European years, it is very hard to believe it could happen in such a state as the one we are now. I love very much when one fact or aspect I though tangible proves to be very changeable. I do believe everything changes all the time nothing is immovable but it makes it so much easier to share the feeling when the point is proven.

See the surprised ghost?

So, it happens regularly (like once a day or two I’d say) that I exchange looks with persons who very much look like Peruvians. We would exchange smiles, very natural and free smiles, even sometimes evolving to a thumbs up or other sort of similar gesture. It is quite easy to smile!

            And Happiness triggers! I am blessed to have a few happiness triggers: walking under the sky listening to my music, and other artists’ music can trigger a bout of happiness. It is similar to the “oh my god I did this with my life” or the “I can go wherever I want on the planet” (proof I am in Cusco and somewhere have no idea why). And then there is the famed "I'm so happy it is ridiculous I can't help but to I laugh at it and that makes me even more happy, whirpooling in the exhalation of "being incarnated" and granted the joy of experiencing life!

I believe with music, as other creations, there is something profoundly alien about being able to experience it.

Heaps of rocks are very important to me.

Reminds me of a dream I had since being here. I was at a concert with no musician but it was I who was actually doing a Dj set but I could have the incredible, and seldom possible, chance of dancing to my own concert! I was with a best friend which happens to be the musician with whom we created most together (ska band and hip hop band and electronic compositions, an internet site will arise).

And at the end of the concert people rejoiced and a musician producer told me it was great, somehow he managed to know it was me playing music.

            Ouroboros is a good symbol for creation; he is a god that according to Jeremy Narbi’s book “the cosmic serpent” manifests in visions experienced under the influence of ayahuasca ( I’ve taken none and do not have plans for it necessarily). The serpent is huge and is characterized by the fact he is eating his own tail.
Creations arise from your “inside”. You make them manifest in outer reality. They are then ingested in the opportunity to experience the “object” through perceptions of the outer world. Your insides actually exist independent in objective reality and it gives back, creates some sort of resistance within the fabric of time-space

Yeah, I looked up a synonym for reality. Hehe…

Okay where can I go from there…

I guess I’ll just say that I often make myself laugh and that in Holland the 4th of October (me birthday) is Animal Day!

I probably will write a book on art and creation at one point but first novels.

 “Music, video and writing are battling for the throne in my court of arts.”

I just love this door!

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