vendredi 7 février 2014

High Again

            Up in the skies, just left New York, left the cold, the grey and the delicious. Once again I take flight, it has been too long. 6 years can go by very fast, yet it felt wrong to stay put. Well maybe not wrong as I have yet to find a path to regret in my life.
            Nonetheless, as I  suffer the gauntlet of ego, the loss and separateness are the decorum of my mental’s theatre. My soul, true I, known I am on the right path. The skies are full of energy.

            New York was grand and fun. Super explosions (is it politically correct to say such thing about New York? Anyways I am harmless)
            I am happy to leave that black crust of a city behind. I could have had lots more fun by saying longer, but such was not my choice.

            Speaking of choice, I had set myself up one more test of faith it transpired.
As I was informed at the check-in that in order to enter Perù you need to have booked a flight ( or other means of transportation) out of the country prior to entering. So I bought my return flight at JFK two hours before taking off.
Teenager magnet

            It was not stressful at all…
            We create such incredible dispositives that can bring great freedom but somehow, through fear, we find the desire to make things harder and more complicated.
            New York is a fearful town and JFK it’s festering source.

As I wandered the city during precious alone time ( I had truly great moment accompanied, both are cherishable) I made for the pickwick’s arms. Beloved father use to lodge there . It has become Pod 51 or something like that. I asked for rooftop access.

            Upstream of a river of persons later I arrived at a fearful and quite frankly, inconsiderate manager. Yadi Yadaing about insurance policy and liability.

Roads gutting buildings

            Truth be told, I took pleasure in explaining that I would certainly not sue if I was to be falling from an iceless wooden rooftop with barriers and die. I am to live long . As it was clear that he felt secure in the illusion of having no choice, the staff stayed suspended as long as I would not give up.

Strength is found at every scale

            Somehow even as they were “clear” about their “choice” they seemed to be kept hanging by my faith about it being possible. A simple key would do the trick.
            I left thanking the receptionist and hoping that she would not beat herself too much and started back for the hotel.
            I happened across grand Central station. Next time I’ll arrive at New York I’ll simply go straight there and let myself be chosen, train after train, pampering me upon the west coast. That story you will witness another time.

Possibilites disguised in a coat of unknown places

            Writing is a speedy activity. Each time I disengage myself, time seemed to have sneaked past my angst of boredom. It is alike spending space with a lover or a friend close to heart. The now becomes sudden.
            In a way this is my connection to you; loved ones, My lifeline to our kindred spirits commune.

Neither here nor there, I find myself in the place in between. Longing to be able to be lost. Alike an adult yearning for child’s memories
Do not eat that 10-year-old biscuit. Your taste has changed.

            We punish our strength using machines. This goes now here.

Okay let’s try to bring the writing back. Try to land it. Speaking of… here is one of my teen sayings

            “head in the clouds and feet grounded, such you are to become giant”

About time

            It has changed greatly. I believe I am in this plane for an hour but “evidence” points to longer. I am to arrive in fort Lauderdale around 4.20 pm. From there I will embark on a plane going to Lima departing around 5.45pm

            The flight will last more than 5 hours. It will take me across the equator, continents and ultimately seasons.

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