vendredi 28 février 2014 happens

Whoops meant to publish this with the previous post:

So I just found out I have a blog post all ready. Text is written and pictures already choosen. I guess it show how much I was stressed yesterday about “saying too much”. Well I had a whole week to do absolutely what I want and I tried my best, and am pretty happy of what I did. Today went to Yoga for the first time in Cusco and it was very nice the level was very close to my needs, not too hard but challenging enough and I found myself a bit surprised of my actual physical condition as I have changed diet for a lesser one and have not been very active (outside of usual walking) but I guess the altitude is a god send for it keeps me in somewhat of a shape. It was fun, for yes the breathing is harder up here hence the class was much more vocal. We had fun and actually laughed quite a bit as our teacher was a bit out of spirits! After I happened into Lucas who told me he was going to see the children’s show at yanapay school( which means to help in quechua) and chose to tag along to discover the place where a lot of volunteers from proyecto peru works. I got myself in a situation where a friend asked my to take pictures and well, as some probably will not be surprised, I had to take hundreds and will have to sort them all just to be sure there are some good ones;-)

Here’s the post that I prepped yesterday. I’ll be having some very intense weeks up ahead and time will certainly be more shy with the pen.

Knowledge Gleaned

With time, (and cars,) it will be crushed to sand again.
 Knowledge gleaned:           
            1000 years of peace has already been achieved.

In ancient times people would walk the, nowadays touristic, paths to the top of the mountain to die there! Not everybody of course, don’t be so cathegoric! Yet some would start the mountain to go to their death. Truth be told it was the fantasy I had about dying when I was a teenager. I would fall from a very high mountain in a thunderstorm and never hit the ground. I guess it must speak to a very primal yearning.
Still what a feeling! What an experience! A journey into the next level of existence. I can’t keep myself from thinking it must have been a most incredible journey, the paradox of having to survive (with equipment much less comfortable than now) until the right place to die. And then transform into another state of being. Some must have believed they were becoming gods!
            During the day of the Incas emperors, society would organize itself according to rank and status. It was an accepted practice to bind the skull of growing children with diverse textiles to give them specific shapes, usually creating a more oblong form with the top of the skull protruding higher even. Another custom was to mummify kings and chiefs in a fetal position and put them in jars. The folk would then hang out with the dead, bringing them around in jars, feeding them and talking with them, to a point there would be tribes following the orders of dead people, each one having their own king. There would be fights between different groups because each one believed their king was the king, even if there was a king alive at the time.

Happy... Happy!
            Yo do not need to do anything to go very fast (the earth spinning very fast) I got a taste of that when I looked into a telescope for the first time in my conscious life and saw Jupiter move out of the focal very fast! Same thing as the last few seconds of a sunset, each one comes faster and faster!
            Time is our creation and we have to go to great lengths to keep it alive. I don’t even see the point (yes my brain capacities do allow me to understand all rational excuses) we tend to naturally forget about it.
Aren’t they the best of experiences when we forget “how long we have been here” or “oh my it is that time already”. We should just give it up. Keep the days more or less. I mean we are off by 8 minutes per year even with the leap day shenanigans and uneven months, plus our time is based on the sun not the universe or even our galaxy. Of course there’s atomic clocks but it is still based on subjective things such as the movement of our planet the beating of our heart etc. How can one believe it is so structured, so rigid, so necessary when we never, ever experience the same moment? All moments are different! Always! How come we want to have illusion of standards? And don’t get me started on the necessity of having standards in the actual state of the world. Doesn’t mean I wont behave;-)

Punctual Rain
            The other day I discovered the San Blas neighborhood, very much bohème. I actually walked past a handmade instrument store (une lutherie) and well, I ventured inside, and the woman said “the owner’s here I’ll bring him”. I answered something alike “fuldubuls…. What ehh.. okay… bidiubudup” I was scared of being engaged, of committing...if only to meet a creator, even!
 It is cute how with smartphones and “fast” medias, I believe it is has become harder to commit. You have to confirm 20 billion times now and you can withdraw at the last minute, simply by forcing a text alike "sorry but I won’t make it." I liked the childhood when you would plan a few days before and then be there. And If you weren’t, you would have a real reason or loose a bit of esteem (I guess that still happens). Also when you called someone you would call the family, you had to have balls and well it was more secure in a way. You would also get to meet a group of people by calling one, not meeting hand picked people. Seemed more rich. Less of a problem meeting parents too. Nowadays you can just spring up on your parents “ I have been with someone for months, here (s)he is!” How weird is that? (it’s also kinda fun too, honestly)

Do you feel like the "Special Airport" menu?

Was our word worth more? Were we more able to commit? Maybe we were more patient. Had a longer span of attention? I like setting up a meeting for a week later and actually being there one week later with no further contact, but I have been feeling the uncertainty in the eyes of other party. Yet I must confess, I recently stood up somebody (I believe it might be the first time since very long, if not my conscious life). In the past I have called last minute to cancel, I have avoided people but I very rarely stood up someone. And well saying all this, I just stood up somebody recently. Tee-hee Truth be told only days before I had more or less a how do you say? “Understanding” we would meet at a place I’ll call “A” and when I produced myself, there were not there, which is kinda too bad for they seemed interesting. And well I suggested a meet at “A” with some other persons a week later but arrived 30min-1 hour late and they were not there, I probably was scared of being stood up again.  Well both parties were a bit unsure and I guess that’s what happens when nobody is clear. Now the place is becoming really weird to me.
What is fun is that we have no way of communicating and we do not know each other’s last names and supposedly they already left Cuzco. So I will never know if I did stand (?) them up, or if I managed to create a situation in which I am stood up but do not realize it!

You can't escape happiness, power and prosperity

            So yeah, it’s not because it IS possible to plan ahead and have a meeting without confirming that it will forgo every possibility of randomness. I am just a bit confused at how we got to become so whimsical, to have a hard time planning ahead. A hard time committing (although I can appreciate someone telling me that they are not in a position to commit, I always enjoy consciousness anyways;-)

I wonder why he came around.

Actually a pretty cool dog.

It is a question of scale I guess. We can plan for trips weeks ahead, but a meeting one week ahead without confirmation seems quite rare nowadays. I believe the ones with more experience than me can relate to that quite easily, and you probably still do it often. Simply seems like it is harder for my generation to abide by one word without having to confirm. Which goes back to the aforementioned sentence. If I say something, If I offer, it stands at least a modest amount of time. It has some backbone against the trial of time. Ohh scary I’m putting down in words (and publishing) somewhat of a commitment.

Love you all!

Ps. Yeah! I played music with the Luther for half an hour and had a very nice moment! With altitude, blowing and pleasure I left quite “tappsy” (happy tipsy without alcohol, yeah?)

jeudi 27 février 2014


Yesterday afternoon remnants of the strike
Well I have reached a point where I have more texts than posts. Let me explain, up until now I would write a text and then post it, but recently they have been multiplying and I’ll have to start ordering them.

Just use a wheelbarrow for your books!

One of the most crazy things I heard recently. So I was strolling down the sun avenue when I recognized a woman from my school, she was trying to take a taxi, she decided to walk down a bit. at one point my stride caught up to her and I offered to walk along. She asked what I was going to do? That’s is the question isn’t it? She precised "this afternoon". I said I would probably write do music or read. And she said in the most casual and serious manner: “so not much then”.

“What the hell! Woman!” it’s the core of my life, the essence of my being. If there had to be a reason for me to live it would be creation.  When I create I feel I could die happy. People are crazy, I tell you, crazy! hehe

Anyways, I love the fact and am very grateful that I can be so happy for such small things as “I have finally found truly spicy chilies.” Big smile on Scott’s face!

Random flower blossom deposited in a small alley way between plaza
san francisco and the san pedro market

As I chose a different route to go back home yesterday, I was thinking of a place that seems fun, wondering about what I would do this week end. It is called la essencia and they have a wide variety of shows such as harp concert, stand up comedy (looking forward to the next one), children shows, pantomime and much more. It is a tea place with a strong family atmosphere. And there it appeared! The first thing I saw whilst disengaging from my mind was the very place! Right in front of me! Tee-hee.

            “When your life experiences are much bigger than the impression they make when you speak about them”

            And thanks to a week without classes or work I have managed to pretty much swim upwards the flow of my written thoughts. My notebook is almost today again. And well, recently my praxis has been multiplying. I start writing something and then it prompts another article. I recently composed a piece of music but from it arose another. Now I “cleared” my notebook but by that time I have 3 or 4 word docs awaiting completeness. Plus I have a big post coming up about death and I’ll have to write in both languages more or less the same thing without translating it, as it is very important. Seems much more fun like that. Also my writing has become almost too fast for my picture taking praxis and now I have the angst that I might not have enough pictures for the blogs (Although I always do three levels of selection and feel I end up with too much pictures per blog. Tee-hee. )

Nice window in the top level of Yanapay Restaurant

            Today I have been listening to music I composed 9 years ago! (The beginning of my computer praxis) and it feels really weird and strange, but positive yet. It’s like talking with teenager Scott, which I am pleased to say will come to grow a lot in the following years. Anyways, lots of fun plus it has been a looooong time since I listened. I wonder if it is because I am a libra “thingy” gemni with my creative aspect in mercury ( god or merchants, travelers, thiefs and messengers, mas ò menos, he has wings on his feet and helmet, unfortunately helmets are a bit out of fashion nowadays). So I’m double double with messages, maybe that’s why I can dialogue so easily with myself. WTF am I listening to? Yeah some tracks are more playing and experimenting than music per say. I’ll have to make some listen to serge.

Little scene in my buildings staircase

            Yet I have found some sound that I will put in a “treasure box”. Compositions that “happened” in very strong moments, those kind of way-out-there times (because there are so few. Yeah right!) That tends to escape from conventional memories. Alike a thread of string entering and exiting the fabric of our perception of reality. Here are some early music titles.
            Earth keeper, cloud seeker.  Membrane soul.  2*3 days.  Human behaviour makes me feel as if I am an alien.  The power of the lake.  Qnguish Crqcks.  Human match competition.  Decadent upheaval.  Walk away ballad.  Dear and heavenly father.  Star sand time.  Alien customer service.

Amongst others.

Now, I am curious! I think I’ll compile all electronic created pieces and see how long it is in total. How many piece there are. Soon I’ll tell you.
I am very grateful that I have created since then. With time and distance it starts to make more sense and somewhere I find myself in an easier state of forgiveness. It is as I had dropped pellets in a forest to find the path back, except the forest has changed and the path leads somewhere else. It is a tender feeling to witness old creations. Especially with music, which is a medium that can only be experienced through time. It is also a witness to how much things have changed.  A sort of trap, a temptation to believe that you can go back or that past is actually tangible. A light in the depths that’ll swallow you into insanity if you try to grasp it. But you can look at it. More than sufficient.

I like the fact that I live in a town where there’s a Big Jesus always looking over us. In the region a lot of mountains have the role of protector.

mercredi 26 février 2014


A lot of energy in the streets of Cuzco
Today is the second day of a 48h strike in Cusco. And well here everybody strikes! I think only some government related “businesses” were be open. And a small fragment of shops and restaurants, mostly hole in the walls. People seem to eat off the streets and there are more than enough persons who cooked (and sold) food in open air to cater for the needs of the people. It is more than just the usual vendors although; it is quite common in Cusco to eat “a bite” in open air for lunch. 

People wandering around free of the danger of cars, or their pollution

            The first difference I notice when going out of the house, is the freshness of the air. Indeed, no cars (or the closest I ever saw in a big city). I guess good can arise from a bad situation (state of politics not the strike itself). It feels great, I can finally access the feeling of being at the mountain, in Switzerland most mountain places have a pretty good quality of the air (except ski resorts).

Ironically makes me think of a Religious March with all the crosses. Christianity has somewhat of an importance in Cusquenian life although I have been discovering different relationships to spirituality in local folk
            And I see a minute but effective marching band! They really have a festive charisma, that group! It takes the form of a parade, every social entity has it’s own banner and has its own chant and variation of their proclamations.
            (A small parenthesis to express the fact that I am actually doing a tour of cusco’s bakeries and coffee places so I am starting to be quite knowledgeable. If you just arrived and are retrospectively reading Blog do not hesitate to ask my opinion. Today a mochachino and cheesecake de sauca at Yanapay restaurant!)

Rain would not stop them

            Between the marching band, the honking, the loud firecrackers and whistling, I find myself oddly transported in a contemporary pirate scene!
            And I discover myself thinking that maybe the lack of cars, the freedom to walk without danger might just contribute in some manner to a larger sense of fresh air. Opportunity and liberty seems to be adding to that feeling of “healthyness”

Crosses and Coffins will be offered to fire

            Strike for a main reason: price of gas rised from 32c to 45c. I honestly do not know for which quantity but it does not change the fact that it is a more or less 29% rise in one increment. They are also marching against the construction of an airport in the close by site of Chincheron. Construction has not begun but the leveling of the ground is nearly complete. 

As a white man I felt kind of out-of-place although quite happy about being witness to a population that would actually rise together in solidarity and stand up for what they believe. Of course they seem to have it worse, and that might just motivate them more, nonetheless it is a rejoicing site that to see humans come together for a cause! The only thing I truly missed in Switzerland was the manifestation that took place after a saddening vote on foreign policy, which also is somewhat of a “bite the hand that is feeding you” move on our part.

"Stop the abuse from central government". Hi starbucks
            Cusquenians were revolting against corruption and the cost of life, when I think of the prices of some things, alike simply food in the markets, I would have a hard time sustaining my actual lifestyle like what I have come to understand of Cusquenian living standards (which despite the economic difference is still more modest than back at home, I do go out more but I have only bought two books in three weeks). Supposedly 54% of Peruvians are poor, I must confess I did not know who said that and the sentence lacks definition, nonetheless it gives quite an image. The other day our rafting guide (which oddly reminds me I have to try to contact Matthew Aitken again about his coming to peru soon…if you see him). So the guide explained that in Perù, there is an institutionalized opportunity to revote on an actual presidency after two years (of a four year seat). There is then a vote that is simply a matter of yes/no. If "no" elections are set up to institute a new government. Today I saw a lot of Cusquenians express the desire for such a change.

one of the passageways surrounding the main square, Plaza de Armas
            Another point of contention (I’ll have to look it up) it seems an important source of water is actually destined to go to the town of Arequipa despite the cusquenians needing it. They claim it should go to them. I know not where it is situated and if the cusquenians benefited from it in the past.

Selfie with Paro and La Casa del Gobierno.
           They were some great two days; everybody seemed connected and ready to help each other. Of course scaredy cats can always find fear and negativity. Some groups would whistle at cars and there would be modest rock barricades to stop cars entering certain streets. But it can’t be that bad when there are strollers about and the grapes of cops are kidding around like teenagers. I even saw a woman selling cake on a plate with a sharp knife to cut it walking in the middle of the people. The violence was symbolic, a group brought two tied up mannequins (the object not the… objectified women…argh shit. I meant not actual humans) and kicked them and then burned them. 

Center of the movement

Simulated violence make for a strong message

Were burnt black crosses and coffin with the faces of who I would think are the actual president and his court. Not even the dogs tried to steal my food. I meet more people warning me and generally feeling concerned for my well being, than even having the feeling that I might be in a slightly tense situation. The only time I felt bad (a part from the haughty eyes in other white people) is when I saw a very clean big expensive black car slowly edging a corner with all windows tinted. Felt I should not kid with whoever needed a big black killing machine whilst being hidden completely (front windows also). Hidding is never a good sign. (well it can be fun with friends and family. BOO!)

Police showed no sign of aggression (at the time I was there)

            It felt archaic. People bonding outside of established rules. I truly believe cars and roads go a very long way in restricting natural flow. Streets are cut in two, psychologically you end up on one side of two, always.  When it is an open walk path, it is shared, it has become one common way. There will arise an essay on cars, yet I am simply honing my writing skills. they are different mediums, public journal and constructed text.

Police officers smiling and having fun. Yeah, she is kinda cute!
            In one street I saw a net set hanged between the two sides of the street and people were playing volley ball! Some were pretty good too.
            Seeing groups of police officers patrolling the city reminded me of ancient time (or different places) where living in warring tribes, we would see groups of warriors “looking out” for our well being.

Playing in the "taken back" streets of Cuzco
            I very much enjoyed those two days, walking in the middle of the road, breathing well, seeing lots of people standing up for their beliefs! Families and groups hanging together, the whole point and essence was through togetherness. Everywhere people meeting each other, big smiles and enthusiasm, “we are doing something here”!

Ashes In Cusquenian Skies
            And I just realized a lot less people trying to sell me something. Yesterday we had an interesting talk with Kimberley (a roommate) and she asked me why I could not live in Cusco, in a way it was not a fun move because I now realize what I am missing. hehe (other than loved ones outside of Cusco), but if you read this there is no bitterness and I prefer it that way.
 So I can’t live here without having a leaving date simply because the lakes or rivers are too far and I have not found a pool either. The other question would be that I would have to address the fact that “I have a dollar sign on me face” and well I do not like saying no, but what am I going to do with 45 pens, 32 ponchos, 15 hats, and enough bracelets to need only to wear sleeveless shirts? But I am getting very good at saying no (if ever need be, usually I am pretty good at not getting myself in such situations).  Also alike some places in Switzerland (do I have to pay 4.- each time I want to go up the top of the cathedra?l?) I would want to spend large amounts of time in beautiful places, but most have been “touristized” (another point addressed today during the strike) and you have to pay mucho dinero each time.

Life right behind the steps leading to the movement Spokesmen.

 Are those photographers seen as potential
helpers to spread the word? or are they just unimportant ?

I feel very native American: So there you are enjoying the grandeur of life and what it has to offer and then glabre folk that have skin alike they were just shot out of their mother arrive and throw around an unknown word. “to posses” and we are like "I don’t understand" but feel free to enjoy the same leisure than us, the great and generous land we love to respect, and then all of a sudden things are no longer free, there are conditions. Equilibrium is broken. Sure plenty will tell me "tourism regulation" it is to preserve places that we institutionalise, well big news! Nothing, no thing is eternal. Alike the “stone” in La Mecca, which has been whittled down by kisses only, to a point it is not allowed to kiss it year round, everything changes all the time. I am not particularly sad or frustrated I cannot visit Atlantis. 

what do we do? What is our place?

I miss a lot of things everyday (I do not have the opportunity to experience them), so please somebody else enjoy them even if that means that I cannot, ever again, experience it. Why would I have to be able to do everything, to appropriate myself the potential to everything if it keeps others from actually doing the things I do not? That’s the start of levels of comfort, of the luxury and privileges.

Yes you should offer special things to the ones you love and it is really nice to work with someone that is a friend, I understand that.
But keeping things... That’s it! It's about keeping things! it seems unpurposeful, and quite frankly an Illusion. I have a collection because it is cool to share it. A lot of my “possessions” are in the hand of somebody else but I forgot what or who. smile. It does not change the pleasure I had when offering to “lend” it. I usually enjoy buying something because I’ll get to show it, to share, to express my tastes, to express who I am, what I like and if it proves good enough transmit it:

“Man this is so cool! you have to see it!”

View from the top of the steps. leaders at the right (not in picture)

Much love from Perù, Scott!

lundi 24 février 2014

Flurry from that PenSword (a medley post!)

Mountains are our keepers.

Fun situation. I’m just hanging out in living room area because of a better wifi connection. The other day Andreas was spoiling a movie, so I simply expressed I was the kind of guy that did not want to know before hand (even though I forget scenarios easily). So today he told me he was going to speak about his trip to macchu picchu and offered that I would listen to music. I enjoy both the act and the fact he took notice.
As I have finished Internet related business (or so I thought) I find myself taken by the music I am now listening to (bassnectar!!!) and feel the strong yearning to share. Hence my writing this.

The big man and the domain of God

            I have been becoming (?) a different Scott (don’t we all?). And am quite pleased to realize that actions that would come hard to me 10 years ago are becoming second nature. You truthfully can become the (wo)man you choose to be. Hey! chocolate and Cigarettes should be a strong hint that a mind can be formated. Here’s great news you can do it too! To yourself.

Who said you need electricity to heat the stove?

Making choices is delicious! If you want to do something and realize it would be better to fail at it than to not try, don’t be afraid to fail! Most of the time it ends up being a lot less scary in retrospect and also of less importance (plus we fail a lot less than we think).
Nonetheless, the harder the choices are, the stronger they become. Here’s seems to be a nice place for this thought of mine:

            “Power is at best the happy consequence of strength and at worse a very ineffective palliative to a lack thereof”

Free leisure of life

            I want to say to all of those who thought I was going through intense emotions at the moment of our meeting. That it is true! For I am always experiencing cosmically grand events in a lifetime of extreme sensitivity. (hehe) That’s how one becomes strong! I would like to reassure much loved teenagers (or anybody, really!) that “it gets better” and that if things seem rough well you will become a very strong adult!

From the Notebook:

Everyday sight. Somehow it find it beautiful.

            I had a fun thought the other night so I asked the barmaid what was the legal age to drink, cocktail in hand, she asked her colleague who asked the manager and well… I forgot! I also said around that same time “I don’t feely real drunk!”

            I feel as if western world popular music is more about creating memories than living the moment itself. Also I feel pop music is made for the enjoyment of people who do not create.
            The other night I discovered one of many discotecas for lost souls, there was no dj or person acting as one. I guess there was a computer with a play list behind the bar. It prompts my confusion about where to dance. When in a couple’s dance or friends dance like 80 music I can dance anywhere but with strong electronic music (good drum n bass or dubstep alike bassnectar or Niveau Zero) I kind of need a direction and, truth be told, space in front of me because I can be quite expansive when granted the pleasure of music to my taste. Sadly when I go to a club I often feel like I am “trying” to dance.

            A sampler of my naiveté, I managed to live two weeks in Cuzco having no idea until I heard the sentence “a Massage with a happy ending”. I feel very differently now when I walk in the center of Cuzco and peruanas offer “massaje”. It is a good thing I did not go for a massage before knowing, it would have been awkward and funny, but still, I do not care for that kind of interaction. Of course they are legit massage parlors but I’ll have to specify, hope that does not offend, because now I know, I will have to be clear to be able to relax during a massage.

Being watched.

            In Cuzco most of the streets are made of paving stones. Every so often workers actually dig them up in order to scrape surplus of dirt building between the paving stones.
            When I walk on the city’s dusty paved stones is sometimes feels as if I am walking on dry snow.

            Cuzco I love for it is alike Geneva in the way that there is always a piece of mountain in my eye. The form of water is no more it’s form than the form of the air! The form of the air is the form of everything you see! We do not see matter, we see light bouncing off matter!

Every sight is light!

            One of many tangible experience that tends to reincarnation is “I know that feeling”. When I see in my mind’s eye an experience I have never been through (in this lifetime yet), I feel it as if I would recall the experience, as if I have been there, I felt that. Simply not in this body, not in the current “memory card”.

leading somewhere.
And now: questions!

            What is the hardest thing you ever did?

Can you see the guinea pig's head?

What is that particular feeling you get when you look at your own hands? I feel I am scaring (unsettling) others simply by looking at my hands. It is definitely a powerful symbol of bringing consciousness to the actions past and those possible. Why would one feel troubled by considering physical action? Have we gone too far in our mind to be neutral about it?
Sometimes I scare people by laughing alone in the streets, but I am simply freaking happy!

Is it possible to not be lost if you don’t know if you are?

The thumb I cut with the Skull

And now things with which I have hurt myself in Cuzco!

            A pencil,
            The skull of a Guinea Pig,
            A mirror.

A recent revelation in guise of a finisher.

            “I have always been in love. I simply thought that with someone was the operative part. I now realize I am blessed enough to be in love!”

Cheers, fellow humans, this world is our creation;-)

Toboggans and Children!

Can I quote you on that ? #1

Here is number one in an installment of posts in which I simply quote people in real life: (I usually ask for permission, but if you want to retreat your permission do not hesitate to ask)

"Do not attempt to eat kfc while doing a back flip"  U.S.A. Advertisement (surprisingly...)

"Time is for everybody" Peruvian tour guide

"I wanted to feel interested in my life" Joanne Hearne

"I'm sitting on facebook" Christine F kock

"Maybe I remember this guy" Andreas Ehrhardt

It's the feet and the ass of a baby in a cake! Mr. Baby shower indeed!

free monday ( is like no monday!)

Always about what you choose to look at!
Ahh, first free Monday in Cusco! I originally planed to go to the rainforest this week, so I took it off, but realized my finances would be happier if I waited until march so I find myself with some extra time on my hands. La vie est bien faite!

I created music today and yesterday. Lately creation has become very important to me. To a point I feel good if I create and I feel bad if I don’t! It really is stable. I do = happy, I don’t = less happy. It is almost independent from other aspects of my life. It is a blessing!

There is often an exchange between past thoughts and present action in these texts, as I would write down an idea or the essence of a thought for future composition (as I do not always choose to sit down and write on my computer  (or carnet). It would be kind of rude leaving people in the middle of conversation ( or other social situations) to go write.

I m kind of jealous I didn't think of this earlier!

            The nature of my writing is changing (specifically) linked to the life style. As I was moving, I guess it was closer to travel writing but now that I am “based” somewhere, everyday life kicks in and I find myself maybe more philosophical. Also I am more and more smoothing my relation to time. I had a fun week end but now I am really enjoying the leisure of putting my thoughts down.  I am navigating between writing in the moment that somewhat goes like this “I want to write, I’ll sit down and see what happens” and the “how this idea is fun! I have to write it down.” Of course you never escape the “writing in the moment” aspect for you cannot write out of the moment.

I will open my notebook and look up those thoughts I jotted down but have not written about and rises a paradoxical feeling, I am between reassured that I will always have enough to write about and the feeling that I’ll never really catch up. For my thoughts on the spur of the moment are changed through time. Alike texts about dreams where the following week everything seems to makes sense where the images and emotions comes to and months, even years, after when the texts become free of memories and reverts to fiction as if written by the hand of someone else, as if generated by another.

Now I feel more behind and will post again a medley of recents thoughts. next post might "go all over the place" as I have almost two weeks worth of random thoughts.


dimanche 23 février 2014

Cusco Nights

I want to write more but am too tired so here's a few.

Some of the words written down during the week end nights. They are of all levels and intensities,

“Days that compete with weeks.”

“Much love, I am very much loved and in truth it is the grandest of honors and the best of luck. All my funny theories do not stand a chance in the light of the energy that is shared with me daily. I am very grateful for that! know that I hold you in great esteem! Encountering you is certainly the grandest of riches that I have been granted.”

            “I feel like a king that has no need for subjects”

            “You do realize that if you do not act upon your desire nothing will happen? You do realize one day you will die?”

“The ones who err and the ones who falls”

            “Eating a kebab looking at the moon.”

19th feb

Tired, somewhat.
            I just (s)napped and went to sleep for 2 hour in the middle of the day. A leisure I can now afford as I only have classes in the morning. Which is a good thing because I am still having too much fun and sleeping 5­-6 hours per night and I kind of need a bit more. With the attitude and overload of carbs. Every day seem two be a package comprised of two mini fun filled days. I believe the stimulation from meeting so much new persons makes it seem that way. Had a real, fun, deep and educated conversation in the afternoon and a fun lively moment in the evening, with different people (some of which where the same).


            Just typed in the date, as I had to save the file, and I have had a hard time believing it is still February. Some people I haven’t seen for 5 days and it seems like two weeks.
My body has now become accustomed by some regards. Nights do not feel as cold as before. A roomie, which has a medical background, told me my blood simply became thicker and is now transporting more red cells. Somehow I find myself happy about it. Like yeah I am stronger! But I am actually no more stronger than our simple ability to adapt. There will be a few days in June where I’ll be fit for high altitude in lower altitude and probably have fun thinking I am like San Goku profiting from the differences in environments. Kind of like on another planet, with different gravities.

Having fun with beliefs
            The management of time is becoming a real object I have to issue. It would seem I have so many options, so much things to do. The “problem” being I started doing them. Between writing and music. I’ll have to solve it fast or I will become tired of repeating myself. This is the very path that lead me to quit that friggin “master” program. I was unhappy repeating why I was not ok everyday and explaining the big con that was that formation. I am happy I did leave it. Kind of like not finishing a plate of unhealthy bad tasting food full of poison, it is hard if you have been taught to finish your plate. So I felt locked by it, each time having a frustrated and mental answer to “how are you?”.
            Know that I am fine (considering I’m not enlightened or anything, I feel very good). But I do not care for repeating myself (he says again;-) so I will make “time room” for my artistic appetite.
            Had a weird reaction last night when I shared about my creating music, People laughed when I said I did not yet earn music, and some seemed somewhat confused by my answer that it is my work. Know that I will make some money of it at one point. Of course money is a very direct way of adding value to something, but it is by no means a guarantee. I had some music with me (on headphones) but they declined to listen. In a paradoxical way it simply made more grateful for those who would not hesitate to partake.

That's my kind of wall!

            Infiltrating large groups of recently met people is very interesting (going back to the people behaving in a very bland way in group compared to the potential for free potential in intimate conditions) all sorts of classical interactions. It is very savory to shake things up, makes me think of like Joseph mouton (and now, of course, I feel a yearning for one of his books. Only 12 books with me from Switzerland!!! Yikes it is few. Hehe.) He would say “légers tremblements du cadre” I would translate into “slight frame quakes”.
            He would then express the fact that you cannot take on frontally the construction of perception of reality as a whole, but you can quake slightly it’s frame.
            You know the feeling: everything seems to compress, as if the moment you are living is inviting other moments, and they would be looking over your shoulder like so many doctors curious of a rare affectation. Those moments know so much more than you, when in truth you are one and only incarnated in the reality you are experiencing. None other can be better in living your life than yourself. Of course others care (in both ways) but it is insane to believe someone would care about you as much as you. One must simply live his path, unable to escape his own incarnation. Unwilling to, nobody can ever take another’s space. Sky is for everybody. Time is for everyone. You are the one master of your life, it takes a life to live itself, you can’t live two lives. Hence quite simply nobody can live your life. It is yours freely a gift from your soul.
            Yeah so as I was saying last yesterday was fun;-)

The other night as I was walking back a dog came up and grasped my laces with his mouth. Was quite adamant about them too! So I played with him a bit, mostly walking with a weight and turning left right. When I wanted to leave him be, I sat at a bench and waited. a Peruvian man came up to me to “do something” and the dog caught his laces instead.  We freed the dog from his interest and walked a bit. The dog obviously meant no harm, well maybe to my laces, they were very well “tied” after that.
             I have to leave but there is some fun stuff coming up!