mardi 28 janvier 2014


He bows bound to become
comment, bears a wit necessity.
City Ceases to excite hexed
Exits. Exists in too true forms
Doality in fifth position in a
Race with two contestants. Trinity
Fore most a mast unmasking
Made up remakes a sigh
Under constriction

Exposes expected pectoral
Paste, with haste he poses
His response well done rare
Medium. Small sirup ample
Cutlery cuddle kults inconsistent
With sisters consent

Aligns a light linked and blinked
Out of a moment’s note, his
Song swung an swooning swann. 
Swearing summer to
Submit summits some

Glasses heading worm
Towards reading, a case a
Status for clouds clustered
Unseen. He rose hero heaving
Rows of corked boats boasting

Church batter bathing
Snakes posing threats
Three threads trending terrible
Tremblements. Established
Tenements tending tender tensions

She want a pitcher and I  a
Picture. Picked sure
Epic epocha, poached legs
Leading leaden blood

Bloated load leaving a
single glove glowing johnsing
before speech mutism his
moment monumental increments
creamy mental mints
thrity four teens pie placed
impious pretense present
peasents in past tense

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