so I just realized I have not officially told my mother I was alright since I
left. Well having no Phone probably doesn’t help. I have been on Internet once
since I boarded. And it is day 8 but yeah. I arrived safely in Southampton and
boarded the boat without any problem. As a matter of fact I am more than
alright. I feel really good.
be told, I have been experiencing more and more exaltation rushes these past
days. Middle of the freaking ocean! Of course routine has settled and life on
this boat is starting to feel normal.
I oft experience grand moments of truth, although they are not necessarily
epiphanies. I am very grateful when I find myself in such a state of positive
bursts. I laugh often (more so alone than not!!!) and I keep coming back to
amazement to what one can create and experience in life. One very important
message I would like to express is this one: “ do chose the paths that seem
enormous and incredible for they will lead you to such moments” take what you
always wanted but feared to fail and try, truly, deeply and with all your
might. That’s what life is for!
I found a juicer
and the crew is very convenient. They bring me avocado, which is not on the
menu. They extract fresh juices although the bar is supposed to be closed; I
bring them fruits and vegetables from the buffet instead of the ones they
offer. Heck The even turned of the lights on the top deck so that I could look
at the sky. The say 20 minutes tops, and that I should call them once finished.
I answered that I would stay the whole 20 minutes. Well 70 minutes later It was
starting to be cold and late, they had not turned them on! I have met really
cool people; although not deeply enough to have started a friendship that would
keep on after, not necessarily meaning it could not arise in further meetings
with same persons. It is not because people are worthy that they automatically
become close friends, I would have not time at all if that was to happen.
Nonetheless I spend true and enjoyable moments with fellow humans on a boat.
Last night was fun. And I keep on growing up and exploring what puzzles me so
much with “classical” human interaction.
fun weird little community, But something scares me in such a life. Seems to be
a sort of long high. High school comes to mind. Of course they work, truly and
hard at that. But it seems like I would soon feel as if slugged in some sort of
stasis. Life would go by so fast and wham you’re forty and do not know where to
settle anymore!
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